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Residents of Buni Yadi, a community in Gujba Local Government Area of Yobe State, returned home on April 16, two years after fleeing their town due to series of attacks from Boko Haram
terrorists. On Friday, a National Logistics Committe set up by Customs to coordinate the
transfer of seized goods in its Warehouses to IDP Camps in the North East and other places, arrived the town to distribute relief materials to the IDPs.

According to the Assistant Comptroller-General
of Customs, Sanusi Umar, following a
Presidential Mandate,
"a National Logistics Committee was set
up by Comptroller-General of Customs,
Col. Hameed Ibrahim Ali (Rtd), to
coordinate the transfer of seized goods
in Customs Warehouses to IDP Camps in
the North East and other places.
Membership of Committee comprises
Representatives from the Nigeria
Customs Service, Nigerian Army, Nigerian
Air Force, Nigeria Police, Nigeria Security
and Civil Defence Corps, Federal Road
Safety Corps, and NAFDAC. We also had
members from Civil Society Organization
like the Red Cross and the
Media.Through the partnership with
these agencies, we have benefited from
effective collaboration that ensured
smooth operation. We must register our
appreciation to all these agencies for
their contribution towards this National

The National Logistics Committee on the
distribution of Relief items to Internally
Displaced Persons (IDPs) made a stop-over in
Damaturu,Yobe State. On arrival, the Committee
headed to the State House to brief the
Governor and State officials on the mandate of
the Committee.
The State Deputy Governor, His Excellency,
Engr. Abubakar Ali, received the Committee on
behalf of the Governor. The Committee, led by
the Deputy Governor proceeded to Buni-Yadi to
distribute relief materials to the people who
have suffered untold hardship.
Below is the remarks by Chief of Air Staff, Air
Marshal Sadiq Abubakar, presented by the
Commander, 79 Composite Group, Nigeria Air
Force, Maiduguri, Air Commodore Paul Dimfina
at the ceremony:
"It gives me great pleasure to be here in
continuation of the intervention programme put
in place by the Federal Government of Nigeria
to assist our fellow Nigerians displaced by the
insurgency crisis in the last 5 years.
2. Today’s event is therefore in fulfilment of a
Presidential Mandate given to the Comptroller-
General of Customs to transfer items seized by
the Customs and legally forfeited to the Federal
Government of Nigeria for the use of Internally
Displaced Persons (IDPs) in various camps
across the North-East.

3. In the first phase of its operation in Yobe,
the Committee has transferred the following
items for its intervention programme.
i. RICE (50KG) 4,491 Bags
ii. VEG. OIL (25 LTRS) 2,504 Jerry cans
iii. SOAP 500 Cartons
iv. USED CLOTHS 263 Bales
vii. BRANDED WRAPPER 200 Pieces
viii. SPAGHETTI 431 Cartons
ix. FOOTWEAR 250 Cartons & Bags
x. MOSQUITO COIL 527 Cartons
xi. SUGAR 20 Cartons & Bags
4. Your Excellencies, it is gladdening to note
the current trend of IDPs leaving the designated
Camps back to the communities. This is a
testimony to the fact that Nigeria is winning the
war on insurgents, and peace is being restored
to the North-East.
5. This intervention should therefore be seen as
laying foundation for full relocation of the
displaced persons to their communities. It is
our hope that with the coming of the raining
season, our citizens in the liberated territories
will engage in agriculture and other activities to
re-engineer our economic revival.
6. On our part, we must express our
appreciation to Mr. President, Commander-in-
Chief of the Armed Forces, for his support to
the on-going operations to rid our dear country
of insurgents wherever they may be. We like to
assure Nigerians that we are committed to the
onerous task of restoring peace to North-East,
and lay a solid foundation for economic
7. I also want to use this opportunity to urge
returning IDPs to remain vigilant and report all
suspicious activities to the Law Enforcement

8. Your Excellencies, on behalf of the National
Committee, I hereby present these relief
materials for the use of Internally Displaced
Persons in Yobe State. Thank you"
The speech of the State Governor was read by
the Deputy –Governor, Engr. Abubakar Ali:
"Let me also bring to the attention of
this gathering that the current priority of
the State Government is to ensure the
restoration of the basic facilities in the
areas to which the IDPs have returned
or to facilitate their return. Already, the
sum of about N20 million has been
expended to rehabilitate water facilities
in nine towns and villages including
Katarko, Gujba, Goniri and Buni-Gari
among others. Here in Buni-Yadi, with
the current influx of people back to
town, the immediate need of the people
apart from food is provision of water and
health facilities. The State Government
is gearing towards the provision of these
basic infrastructures to the town very
soon. The rehabilitation of other facilities
like health, schools, electricity and
administrative buildings demand much
more funds with Buni-Yadi alone
estimated to cost more than N400
Source: Nigeria Customs Service/NEMA


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