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The General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor W.F Kumuyi has reportedly warned his members that hell will be hotter than normal for them.
In his sermon, the father of two sons made it known that Deeper Life members have heard enough of God’s
word and opportunity to repent, therefore, those who eventually do not make it to heaven will have the hottest part of Hell Fire reserved for them. This, he emphasized while preaching the sermon; “Heaven’s Response to Earth’s Request,” in Lagos.
“Hell will be hotter for Deeper Life sinners because they know the truth and do not do them. Turn away from your secret sins; I don’t know how you can be in a church like this and there is fornication, adultery, lying and others in your hand.  All your work in the church will be useless if you don’t repent of your sins. You need to run away from your sins and run unto Jesus. If you say you have repented, you will not continue to spend stolen money. You need to restore all the stolen money if the repentance is genuine.” Kumuyi added that members of the church who steal the church’s money and also steal from the government had not truly repented, warning that unless they truly repent and returned such money, they would go to hell,” he said.
Hear the preacher especially if you are a church member. It’s either you repent or change churches so that you can have the regular temperature with other people and not the special reservation.
culled from Olisa TV 
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