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Some people do not take sex addiction seriously. Or they think a Christian cannot be struggling with such a lustful thing. This story reveals how man’s addiction to pornography and last ruined his daughter’s and his wife’s life.

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It all has started small. First the daughter noticed her dad staring at some sexy girls on TV. Then one night his wife woke up and saw him watching sex channel in their living room. He did not admit the problem and just said he was browsing through channels and stumbled on this one. She believed him, as she could not think a church going and serving man would a have a problem like that.

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For over 16 the man secretly lusted over naked women image and porn videos. He masturbated and gave way to his sexual fantasies thinking these will do nothing bad for his family. Somehow he kept on reading his Bible, praying and going to church.

However, sex addiction has eventually got a toll on him. It started to possess his thoughts and he became an isolated man always starring at women and looking to get more porn for his dirty fancies.

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His daughter came to her mother crying. The father never talked to her anymore. Never express any love or interest in his own child. She needed his love and support so much in her teenage years. Not being able to find it, she turned to running after boys and getting their attention. Eventually being 18 years in age she got raped on one of her dates. Such was her first sexual experience in life!

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The woman confronted her husband and made him go and get some counseling. He was forced to do so, but as he did not repent deep down in his heart, nothing really helped him. Few years later the daughter came to her mother and confessed bitterly crying that she has become a prostitute!

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For over 22 years of being married to this man with sex addiction the woman had hardly anyone she could talk to about it. In most churches the problem is just ignored. Many men who deem to be Christians watch porn movies, hide naked women’s images from their wives and secretly give themselves over to sexual fantasies. They no longer worship God, but their own sex drive instead.

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Some of them believe it is none business what they do with their bodies. However, hidden sins always have visible and obvious consequences. That man never repented. His wife finally divorced him feeling so ruined by what he has done. His daughter had to get sex addiction treatment, too, as prostitution can be one of its manifestations.

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This story is so sad, but the truth must be known and discussed. Most people who get trapped by sex addiction cannot get out of it on their own. They need qualified help and spiritual ministry to break free. If you have such problems do not hesitate to seek help and sincerely repent before the Lord and your loved ones until it is not too late!

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