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A  64 year-old man, Thomas Manning, whose penis was removed because of cancer has received the first penis transplant at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, in the United States.
Manning, 64, a bank courier from Halifax,  who underwent a 15-hour transplant operation on May 8 and 9, said he felt well and hardly experienced any pain after the surgery.

Cetrulo said, “If all goes as planned, normal urination should be possible for Mr. Manning within a few weeks, and sexual function in weeks.We’re cautiously optimistic as it is uncharted waters for us.”A plastic and reconstructive surgeon and a leader of the surgical team, Dr. Curtis Cetrulo,  said that the organ came from a deceased donor.
In an interview with the New York Times  in his hospital room, Manning  said he wanted to speak out publicly to help dispel the shame and stigma associated with genital cancers and injuries, and to let other men know there was hope of having normal anatomy restored.
The surgeon said the penis transplant is experimental and  part of a research programme with the ultimate goal of helping combat veterans with severe pelvic injuries, as well as cancer patients and accident victims.
Cetrulo noted that Manning would have to take several anti-rejection drugs for the rest of his life. One of them, tacrolimus, seems to speed nerve regeneration and may help restore function to the transplant.
He stated that another patient, whose penis was destroyed by burns in a car accident, would receive a transplant as soon as a matching donor becomes available.
Surgeons at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine are also planning to perform penis transplants, and have had a combat veteran, injured in Afghanistan, on the waiting list for several months.
Cetrulo estimated the cost at between $50,000 and $75,000. Both hospitals are paying for the procedures, and the doctors are donating their time.
Worldwide, only two other penis transplants have been reported: a failed one in China in 2006 and a successful one in South Africa in 2014.
The Massachusetts General team spent three years preparing for the penis transplants.
The team did meticulous dissections in a cadaver lab to map out anatomy, and operated on five or six dead donors to practice removing the tissue needed for the transplants. Mr. Manning’s operation involved about a dozen surgeons and 30 other health care workers.
An accident at work in 2012 brought Mr. Manning to the hospital, and ultimately to the transplant team. Heavy equipment had fallen on him, causing severe injuries. The doctors treating him saw an abnormal growth on his penis that he had not noticed.


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