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Chichi and Stan are set to wed soon and the beautiful couple shared their story and photos from their engagement shoot with us via their wedding photographer, Klala.
Below is their love and proposal story.


It all started in the mid- year of 2003, when I had just graduated from High school and was trying to get into the university. I had a couple of months to wait for admission and so I was spending more time with my family and friends in my neighborhood.
One sweet evening, I was on my way to the video rental store to return a movie I had rented, when I noticed a fair, young, pretty girl coming home from school. I had never felt that way, seeing her pass by. Being the shy person I was back then, I did not say anything to her that day. However, I followed her to know exactly where she lived. As soon as she vanished into a black gate on a popular street, two streets away from mine, I felt my mission for that day was accomplished and so I retired home to strategize.

The next day, I went back to the street where I saw her the previous day with the hope that she would pass by again. Luckily, I saw her coming my way again. I immediately got closer to her and said “Hi, “, she replied “hello” and then I asked, if she lived around and she said she lived around the corner. That was how far the conversation went that day. After then, I could not get her off my mind as I started to wait on that same street every day at that time in order to see her and say hello. 

One day I was bold enough to get her email address and proceeded to bomb her mail box with passionate greeting cards and words of praises and affection. Few months down the line, we got closer and then I asked her out but she refused. I did not give up as I continued to pester her with phone calls (with the help of her sister’s phone), emails and continued to wait at her street to say hello. Finally my efforts proved fruitful after 2 years of disturbing her lol. She finally agreed to give it a go. So we started our “puppy love”, hanging out and spending more time together.

Shortly after our relationship started, I gained admission into the university and then we were no longer in close touch but we still chatted on phone and text messages but it seemed, the distance had taken a bigger toll on our relationship. Sometime in 2007, the puppy love ended and we both remained close friends. Her mum was fond of me and I always went to visit each time I was home. We talked about almost everything and even shared our relationship experiences with other people. I always joked with her, saying she should invite me for her wedding soon and she would say the same. We both felt we had ended that chapter of our lives and if anyone told me we would be ending up together today, I would have told the person to visit another soothsayer.

Fast track 2015, I had just gotten out of a relationship that did not work out. I was depressed and almost never wanted to date again. I even got into a minor accident in the process of trying to get my emotions back together. It seemed like the accident had to happen for Chichi and I to reunite because as soon as she heard, she called me and tried to visit me. She consoled me and I felt strong again. All the while I thought she was still dating some guy but when we got to hang out more, she told me she had been single for months. It was close to Valentine’s Day and so I asked her to be my val, since we both didn’t have a date. She agreed and we went out for dinner that day. As we continued to hang out more often, my feelings for her started to rekindle. Better yet, I realized she was no longer that little shakara girl I used to know. She had grown into a mature, intelligent and descent lady. I fell hopelessly for her all over again and after a few months of spending time with her, I asked her out and she agreed to date me.. (Mature love this time lol). Ever since then, Chibaby has always made me happy and I feel like we have known each other since like forever. I do not have to pretend because I am real, when with her. I have learnt a lot from her. There are truly angels here on earth and Chichi is one. I love you more today than I did yesterday.


It was the 23rd of August 2015.
And as usual I already started planning him a surprise birthday party, three months earlier. I contacted his best friend Spy who helped me get a list of his high school friends, former colleagues and other friends I hadn’t met.
Stan already said he wanted a low key birthday with just the two of us lodged somewhere for the weekend and so I played along. The night before his birthday I remember us having a conversation (Me asking him) about the future of our relationship and his exact words were: “I HAVE NO PLANS OF GETTING MARRIED NOW, MAYBE I WILL START THINKING TOWARDS THAT DIRECTION NEXT YEAR”.

I was sad, upset, disappointed, and immediately told him: “GUY, I AM NOT CELEBRATING HAPPY ANNIVERSARY WITH YOU IN THIS RELATIONSHIP, SO ONCE WE GET TO A YEAR I WILL MOVE ON”. I went to bed that night feeling so bad.
The morning came, and I decided not to ruin the perfect day, so I let go of all the hurt I was feeling and made up my mind to make it a memorable birthday for him. We started that morning by going to church, after which we had lunch and stopped by a Spa to get a massage. In the evening, I suggested we go have a drink at N-TYCE KARAOKE LOUNGE and that’s where it all began.

I recall walking into the lounge with a double mind, on whether to carry on with this party or not? But then again I kicked that doubt off my mind and told myself, “I will go through with this”.  And so we walked into the lounge and he was surprised to see all his friends, from way back screaming and singing for him, he got so emotional and gave me a tight hug. You could see he was very happy from the expression on his face.  It took him some minutes to comprehend how we planned all of it and how we got all his friends to be there that day.
He called his brother and close friends outside the lounge and told them of his plan to pop the question that night, and while they were all contemplating if it was the best time, since he had already planned to do it on my birthday 5th October. He decided to do it because it would be more spontaneous than proposing on my birthday and I would not be expecting it. So he placed a call to my Dad asking for his permission.

He then asked his flat mate to rush back home and get the ring he had bought 3 months ago, waiting for the right time to pop the question. As soon as his flat mate returned with the ring, he went over to the Karaoke box, picked a song and brought me out to the centre to stand with him while he was singing.
So I’m smiling and wondering why there were so many paparazzi making videos and taking pictures, but then again I thought, “Oh he just wants to express his gratitude for the surprise party by dedicating a song to me”. Suddenly he got on one knee and popped the question and the whole world flashed before me. I remember my eyes popping out like I had seen a ghost. I was so shocked, I didn’t even hear anything he said but I said a big YES to my friend, partner, and my Crush. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with the most Loving, Selfless, Hardworking and God fearing man I have ever known. Love you baby.


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