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For women alone...
Men are known to bottle up their feelings butany woman who can get her man to open up certainly knows how to communicate with him well Many married women complain of
their men not listening to them but not many people talk about the flip
side – women who refuse to listen when their men speak. Men are known to bottle up their feelings but

any woman who can get her man to open up
certainly knows how to communicate with him
well. Truth be told, everyone including the
menfolk want to express themselves. Men are as
vulnerable as women and communication
becomes better when couples help each other to
open up.

1. Ask questions and be supportive
Married women should remember that the more
encouraging and supportive you are, the better
the type of communication between yourself and
your husband. Simple words like ‘how are you’
can calm him down rather pointing out all the
things he did wrong.

2. Avoid being judgmental
If you judge him for the little mistakes he has
admitted to you, how do you expect him to tell
you his deepest secrets? You should learn to
accept your man for who he is and listen not to
be his critic but make him understand that you’re
always there for him.

3. Be patient with him
Pressuring him into telling you stuffs would make
him hide things more from you. As a married
woman, you should let your man have his
moment which includes thinking alone
sometimes. When he’s ready to talk to you, he
definitely will.

4. Respect him
The truth is, your man will open up to you if you
respect him a lot. If he wants you to stop talking
when he is talking then do it. Learn to apologize
when you make mistakes when talking to him
and handle those who aren’t supposed to be
privy to your discussion.


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